Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step faith-based program that helps individuals heal from a variety of hurts, hang-ups and habits.
We do this in an atmosphere of acceptance and without judgement. As adults, we all go through life collecting hurts. Some hurts are small and some are pretty large. Sometimes when we encounter a hurt, our heart and brain get together to create a strategy to protect us from similar future hurts. That strategy is what we call a hang-up or a bias perspective. That hang-up overtime becomes a habit that continues to direct our behavior. Much of that behavior can cause us to be less productive and lead to less fulfilling lives. Celebrate Recovery addresses the healing of the hurt and thereby breaks the chain of difficult behaviors.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday night, beginning at 6pm at Ridgecrest Baptist Church. Doors open at 5:00pm A light meal is optional from 5-5:45pm Classes are provided for children from birth through sixth grade, teens, and adults.
Volunteers are needed to serve on Thursday evenings in areas that include:
two people to work with our male teens.
three people to work with our elementary kids.
Backup for tech ministry (specifically, soundboard and advancing presentation slides.)
Community Issues
We are seeing more and more blended families in our communities. Blended families present a unique set of circumstances. Children now may have a mom, a stepmom, a dad, a stepdad and perhaps three or four sets of grandparents. The relationships can become complex and hurts and confusion can result. We also see a larger number of single moms who are shouldering a huge responsibility. We see more grandparents raising their grandchildren which creates unique challenges. And we see a rise in pornography viewership by both sexes. We see the turmoil of divorce and the devastating effort that grief can have on families. Celebrate Recovery addresses these challenges.
>> Find help for Blended Families
>> Find help for Single Parent Families
>> Find help for Dysfunctional Families
>> Find help with Unforgiveness
>> Find help with Broken Trust
Drugs and Alcohol
Alcohol is as destructive in today’s society as it has ever been. We see more potent street drugs and the abuse of prescription drugs including opioids. As a society, we are literally awash in drugs. Celebrate Recovery addresses these challenges.
Mental Health
We see an increasing number of people coping with depression and anxiety. Prescription medicines for both of these conditions are on the rise. Overuse of these potent drugs rob people of the joy in their lives. We also know from studies that about 25 percent of women and 15% of men are sexually assaulted before the age of 18. These experiences can color a person’s outlook for the rest of their lives. In addition to sexual abuse, we also encounter people experiencing physical or emotional abuse. Celebrate Recovery addresses these challenges.
>> Find help with Unreasonable Happiness
>> Find help with Managing Expectations
Celebrate Recovery is not only for adults. We have programs designed to address the needs of children of all ages, including teens. These recovery programs are based on adult Celebrate Recovery principles and are age-appropriate in their implementation.