“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” - William Carey


Local Ministries & Volunteer Opportunities

Here at Ridgecrest, we are passionate about serving our neighbors. Here are some organizations we partner with to make a difference in our own community.

Grand Oak Mission

Grand Oak Mission Center is a ministry of the Greene County Baptist Association, led by Director, David Jackson. Grand Oak gives food and clothing to hundreds of families in our community each month and seeks to share the Good News of Jesus with those in our community.

Contact Information: David Jackson //


Pregnancy Care Center

Here at Ridgecrest, we support our local Pregnancy Care Center and every January, we support Sanctity of Life Sunday where we take a special offering to support this great ministry.

Contact Information: Allison Forrest //


Safe to Sleep

Safe to Sleep is a temporary homeless shelter for Women in Springfield, Missouri. Their greatest need are volunteers who can stay the night to assist with opening and closing the shelter.

Contact Information: Kelly Harris //


AIDS Ministry

The AIDS ministry here at Ridgecrest seeks to show the love and hope of Jesus Christ to those who are impacted by HIV and AIDS. This ministry also works closely with the AIDS Project of the Ozarks (APO) where they are able to bless and encourage clients in many ways.


Jeffries Elementary

Here at Ridgecrest, we partner with Jeffries Elementary, a neighboring school. Volunteers are needed to help with the Cents of Pride Store and other activities throughout the year.

Contact Information: Kelsey Kleier //



TopStitchers is a sewing ministry for adults who are interested in using their talents to make an impact in our community and around the globe. All abilities are welcome as we measure, cut, and stitch projects that are used by a variety of organizations.

We typically meet on the second Thursday of the month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Room 138.