Relationship Challenge: Single Parent Families

by Les Palmer, Celebrate Recovery

Parenting in a dual parent household has its challenges, but parenting in a single parent household can be even more challenging. In a single parent household, the parent takes on every role including the teacher, disciplinarian, nurturer, cook, counselor, breadwinner, household bookkeeper, and all-around good person to be around. In addition to these responsibilities, there is rarely anyone available to share the emotional, spiritual, and decision-making loads with. It is exhausting! Some non-custodial parents do make themselves available, but most often their involvement is limited. 

Where can the single parent go to safely process their sense of being overwhelmed and feeling of insecurity along with their loneliness and lack of adult intimacy? Often the single parent may seek companionship in others that they might not normally consider. This sense of being overwhelmed and lonely can result in relationships that, in the long run, only make their problems worse. Children in single parent households may be exposed to several future “moms” and “dads” only to be left disappointed if the adult relationship fails. Single parents need a place where their load can be shared, where they can process the events in their life without judgement, and a place where they can experience healing. Celebrate Recovery at Ridgecrest can provide that environment. If you would like someone to walk beside you in this challenge, please contact us today.

Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step faith-based program that helps individuals heal from a variety of hurts, hang-ups and habits. We do it in an atmosphere of acceptance and without judgement. Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday night, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri.